Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello my blogging friends! It's a new year and time for a new post. I hope you all had a wonderful transition from old to new as I did. There's been a recent trend to sum up your old year in one word and then to choose a new word for the 2011 year to embody what you would like to see happen followed by a short description of your reasoning.

For me, 2010 word is disregard - I seemed to go through 2010 not watching my finances, my health, or following certain rules, feeling as if I was invincible in my quest to leave Midland, that somehow I was living in a little fantasy microcosm and real life would start after I stepped out of its boundaries.

As for 2011, I've struggled with a single word, so in order of strength, I chose: Intention, Effort, Completion. After much reflection, I find that I've been coasting through a large portion of my life, and lucky that I have accomplished some great things despite my emotional coasting. However, it's difficult for me to remember a time that I put more than 80% effort into a problem, class, or work. And most things I did because I had to rather than because I chose to do that. This year, I want to be mindful of what I'm choosing to do and to put in the effort to see it through as well as to see how deep I can dive into a subject. So there you have it - my resolutions will follow, I suppose, but they are mainly a list of races I want to do =P

I would love to hear your words as well! Happy 2011 :)