Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama Biased Media

If you haven't read about it yet. Michelle Obama commented "For the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." on Monday, Feb 18.

And obviously it has drawn a whole lot of criticism about this statement. You might argue that it might be taken out of context. But no matter what context it is in, it's very offensive.

Yet, this has not hit any headlines in any media. Even when Hillary standing up for Chelsea, when someone call Chelsea out, drawn much more attention than this.

It seem like everything that Obama does is amazing and positive, including his plagiarism; everything that hillary does is offensive, demeaning, and negative.

I still cannot understand why the media are so biased.

What was obama's supporter thinking and where's their logic? I would loved to be enlightened.

1 comment:

KongKong said...

wait... did you write this?