Monday, November 10, 2008


I got my first cash award today, yay! So I got beaten up for taking initiative at first, and now I'm being awarded for the same thing. Life can be so confusing.

Monday, June 30, 2008

life outside of Mland

The last three weekends have been such happy ones. And I realized that all of them were spent outide of Midland - there is joy in weekend trips: sailing, hiking, dune hikes (!!), beaches, ethnic cuisine and new people :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

snow?! grrrr...

It's snowing in April. I don't even need to visit Cornell, feels like I haven't left at all weather wise. And the wind is atrocious, I hope it gets warmer and stays warm soon.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Overpacked, wasted, life of mine

Long story short, my flight to AZ was messed up, resulting in excessively delayed luggage. We went the whole weekend without anything. and what did i discover? i definitely have over packed by far. The only things we needed was just some change of underwear and socks. My in laws have everything else, we did laundries every other day, bought one set of change of clothes and that's it.
I read somewhere once that "a clean house is a wasted life"! what about an over packed suitcase then? Quadruple wasted life!!! I spent hours packing, then hours unpacking, hours packing again, then finally hours more unpacking, not counting all the frustration with check in luggage!
NOTE TO SELF: will not pack more than two outfits, one pairs of shoes, and minimal toiletry.
I really want to go home and sleep... still debating.
Andrea said she got more furniture, including kitchen table, and half of a couch... "half?" yep, half... midland never ceases to surprise me. Who in the world delivers half of your couch?
No body seems to want their money around here either. I've talked about my landlord who wait two months on average to cash the rent checks, and now, my maid service skips it all together, they did not want to take my check at all. I left a check for their service, and they set it on the TV as in "organizing things" i think??? but they marked my bill as paid... so I'm just not sure what's going on now... they don't want my money... they just don't. and i can't seem to convince them otherwise.
Jenny is probably dipping in foreign waters. Ah... so relaxing... vacation interferes with my life so much, weeks leading up to a trip or something, i would be all distracted and don't want to work and just want to wait it out to escape from reality, then the weeks after the vacation, I'd be day dreaming, reminiscing the times i spend in a retirement community, where the pool is right outside, and there's not agenda to fill.
Ahh... vacation really screws me up. but now I'm looking forward to the next "escape plan" already. How am i ever gonna get anything done in my life.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hiding until Summertime

So lately I've noticed that I have become extremely anti proactively social. It's not that I'm anti social, because I'm still open to talking to people who approach me or ask me questions, but I am not making much of an effort to make conversation with others. Even in Toastmasters, I used to hang around at the end and chit chat, now I just pick up my papers and up and go. Not really sure what's gotten into me, maybe it's S.A.D.

I used to think S.A.D. was just a made up symptom, that is, until I moved to Michigan. I definitely feel more depressed during the winter months here and so much better when we get the rare sunny day. It's hard to make an effort to connect with people these days, I think I've reached my threshold for trying. Hopefully getting away to the caribbean for a week will lift my spirits, and then I'll be able to handle the cold dreariness better when I get back.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Left Handed Mouser

My right shoulder has been bothering me for some time now. Even after going through with the ergo evaluation and such, it didn't improve my shoulder. So i decided to get it checked out at the employee health center. After i was directed into this room, two doctors showed up. They told me with two of them they might be able to speed up the "process". OK...
As it turns out, since it might count as a work-related injury, one doc was just there to record down every little i said for legal purposes. I felt like i was being interrogated for my shoulder being in pain.
"Do you play tennis, or been golfing lately?"
-Golfing, huh? Are you frigging sh*ing me lady! Have you looked at outside lately?
"Did you fall or stumble?"
-um... NO idiot!
"Did you have surgery before on your shoulder"
I hate you!!!!
So after a list of stupid questions that i already answered on their stinky little form, they told me it's non-classified... which means it is not a work related injury, nor a non-work related injury... so they have this mythical in-between called "non-classified"
OK Lady, you completely just wasted my time. i came to get FIXED, and now you haven't fixed me and instead, interrogating me... I just want to be FIXED so i could sleep at night!!!

Urggghhhh so frustrated. I have been switching to mousing with my left hand, that seems to help! maybe it will make me smarter :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

being too polite!

I am actually hesitate to say "it's nice to make your acquaintence" at work today, when someone said it's a pleasure to meet you.

Am I just crazy?

O, no. Midland has got to me now! >.<

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pediatrics for the Whole Family

There is a boy in my bio class who works as an assistant at a pediatric office. During break time, he was telling us about the patients he sees. Sometimes a young girl will bring in her baby for a checkup, and when asked to sign the forms for her child, she can't. Why? Because she is not old enough and also goes to the same pediatrician when she is sick. This girl needs her mother to sign the papers for her baby! It never even occured to me that both a mother and child could go to the same place - same pediatric office for health checkups. The idea is somewhat disturbing.
I'm wondering if this is more common in the Michigan and the midwest than it is in the two coasts.

All Races 133,714; 278; 15,383; 711; 1,702; 2,983; 4,428;
Those are the numbers for the total mothers who had births at under 15 yrs to 18 yrs respectively.

See the link below for a more comprehensive table of mean age of mothers for births. These numbers are high, but then there are unexpected statistics such as the number of birth for young mothers in Iowa is in the hundreds rather than thousands as in Michigan. Also, California appears to be a state with young mothers as well - unexpected for me. I guess the variable that may be different from CA vs MI stats is that maybe the mothers in CA are unmarried.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Naked Money

Hey dearest all,

I am typing in outlook so that no one will spot me for suspicious behavior. I got my first cash award yesterday, it was 50 bucks. It was exciting and strange at the same time. Aside from the fact that a three digit number can also top a two digit, I sincerely felt that the reason I have gotten it is because I complain constantly about other DC people… Maybe because I did a good job convincing my manager that I am a deserving individual who is supposively always finding faults of others. Mmm… Therefore I should be awarded because I am always right in contrast? I guess? Anyway it's for this one project I recently finished and my pathetic thank you note literarly read "thank you for your tenacity"… which losely translates to you were a "constant pain the butt"

On a happier note, I got 50 bucks! That's like soft shell crab, spicy tuna, spicy salmon, spicy scallops, rainbow roll, saginaw roll and then some! On the road to Mrs.dom there's like a butt load of laundry. I say we all become nudists! Then there will be only shower to worry about. Well… we would wear shoes. Mmm… imagine a world with shoes and no clothes.

I don't want to work!!! And you can't make me!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

shameless plug

Hey guys,
I also have a personal blog that I keep up regularly. Please stop by and provide feedback and

I am determined to have a productive week so that I can go spend a vast amount of money this weekend at Birch Run. Now if only I could get the waking up part down, it'd be great. It is hard to wake up when you are unexcited about where you're going to after you leave your apartment.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feeling Old

Wow, so I forgot about our blog until Friday when Jenny and Billy reminded me and asked why I hadn't posted here I go.

So in my mind 23/22 isn't old, but apparently I've aged a lot in the past 7 months. It was a little disturbing how a few high schoolers at the One Republic concert made us feel out of place. Then at Apple mountain I got told off by a 5 year-old for falling down twice on the tow rope...."What's your problem?!" isn't something I expected from someone who isn't 4 feet tall yet. So much for being young and hip. Maybe it was because we were on the bunny hill, but there were a lot of annoying kids. It strikes me as funny that we think of high schoolers as kids now and talk about how teens have no respect. It sounds like we're 55 or 60.....or maybe we've just been brainwashed by Midland, who knows.

Actor/actress re-visions

You ever watch a movie and then re-watch it years later and go "hey, she was in that?" I had just such a moment tonight while watching Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Serena from Gossip Girl is one of the characters; she's the sassy soccer player who hits on her coach. Another actor that I later realized was in movies was Patrick Dempsey from Grey's anatomy. After rewatching Sweet Home Alabama post Grey's seasons, I realized he's the fiance.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama Biased Media

If you haven't read about it yet. Michelle Obama commented "For the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." on Monday, Feb 18.

And obviously it has drawn a whole lot of criticism about this statement. You might argue that it might be taken out of context. But no matter what context it is in, it's very offensive.

Yet, this has not hit any headlines in any media. Even when Hillary standing up for Chelsea, when someone call Chelsea out, drawn much more attention than this.

It seem like everything that Obama does is amazing and positive, including his plagiarism; everything that hillary does is offensive, demeaning, and negative.

I still cannot understand why the media are so biased.

What was obama's supporter thinking and where's their logic? I would loved to be enlightened.

Value Menu

I just realized that 4 pieces Chicken McNugget from McDonald's Dollar Menu is a great BUY!
Since a 10 pcs cost 2.99, they actually gypped you 50 centS!

Add on

Oh yea, Suki got a new bigger cage!
She grew so much, she needed a new house!!!


Um... Jenny dear, you are just a over posting bunny arnt you?

so i heard midland county laid off a whole bunch of people earlier this year, which explains why the speed for clearing the road around here are so slow. Apartments, though, are even worse. My landlord supposively does not have people plow snow unless the snow is thicker than 2 inches. But, if it's still coming down, say in the next day or two, he will ignore all the snow that is already on the ground, and just waiting till it's all done to plow. This is CHEATING!!!!

I myself nearly flew into the air and landed on my butt also Sunday night, thanks to my no-traction sneakers.... it was a funny dance i did that saved my butt. Today i went to the dentist, some lady came in for an emergency. She fell on ice, and landed on her front teeth while screaming ah....i think, so she came in with a bloody towel covering her mouth. it was coming thru! toothless lady! I got my night guard fited today! yay! no more teeth grinding!


Ugh! I walked out of my house and slipped on a piece of ice as I was trying to get to my car door. So then I flew backwards and landed on my butt and my purse contents went scattered all in the snow. So then I had to dig out the items. Freakin' landlord needs to plow the apts. I was so careful last week too walking with my hand against the car, but then it snows last night so covers up all the ice. Yea, first rat year injury, I guess.

Then I realized I have no gas in my car. So had to stand in the cold pumping gas which is 3.19 now. All this because I was greedy and waiting for the gas to drop to 2.89 but it went up instead. Not a fan of Midland this morning. Not at all. I am writing so much, you guys need to post.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I cannot believe I am so tired. Anyways, I started a poem, but it sucks, but I will still post it, and maybe later I will post the revised and extended version.

Come live in our diverse community,
the voices chanted.
See the endless opportunities
in the city of modern explorers.

So she followed the voice
and almost missed-
her destination
except for the unmistakable sign

The City of Modern Explorers.
Where? where are the explorers?
and does a city hide
beneath the endless grasslands?

can opportunities spring
forth through hoards of snow,
that not even the slicing wind
can move with its wrath

And come summertime,
can the warmth in the short months
thaw deception which stretches
its icy fingers into the minds of newcomers.


Welcome to the City of Modern Explorers! At the moment, this sanctioned space is only for the eyes of contributers. Let your mind wander and share your thoughts and experiences from the middle of nowhere. As comfort level increases, we can consider opening up the blog to invited public viewers. Although random rants and raw feelings are expected on certain days, I'd like to have the majority of the entries in the blog provide tasteful observations and thoughts even on the distate you may have for certain events in your current midwestern culture. Hopefully, admist all the culture shock, there may be days with certain gems you didn't expect. That's me, the eternal optimist.

googleland and monkey business

gees, can google comes up with more things??? don't answer it...
great work Jenny J, now we have our own publication to take down the midwest with vegence!!!

hahaha... it's so funny, jenny asked me "do you like to write"... you should ask me if i like to bitch... i would have said, yes, let's have a blog so i can express myself... angrily...
writing therapy has been proven to reduce freak outs at work. it is science baby!

I went to TX over the weekend to visit my mom and my ungrateful cousin...can't wait to kick her out someday! Anyhow, long story short, she apparently went on a date friday night, and then got her purse stolen out of this guys car. (i was laughing my behind off...)

the funny part is, she was being all mysterious about it, which i don't see what the big deal is about going on a date. no body knew she was going on a date friday night, come 11PM my mom is all worried that she's not home.... which again, why? the girl is like 28 yrs old. I knew about her secret date through... let's say "unorthodox" method of snooping around. so of course i can't tell my mom that... so i kept my mouth shut.

than come midnight, my mom is in freakout mode, started calling monkey's cell phone (my cousin) like 100 times. My mom got a call back from monkey's cell, except the person was not monkey, it was a "hispanic" male - according to my mom. Then this person hung up the phone, and my poor mother now really is freaking out! She started calling monkey's friends at work and such... and i was like... interesting, wonder if i should speak up now.... but i did NOT.

Monkey showed shortly after, and told us her purse was stolen at a GAS STATION. Someone broke into her dates car and took her purse. I was like, oh... that makes sense i suppose. Then... through "unorthodox" method of snooping around, i found out really, this happened right outside the guy's apt. so... yea HAHAHAHAHA i guess the night's plan FELL THROUGH...

TO make matters worse, the retarded cousin came home after reporting to the police and went to sleep! it's like HELLO??? what about damage control...

Sure enough, next morning my house kept getting all these phone calls from credit card company, banks and such, reporting "unusual activity" in her account... so again HELLO??? why would you sleep on such an emergency????

Anyhow, it was entertaining somewhat, my poor mom ends up changing all the locks, because this monkey also lost her keys with the address and everything!

comments welcome!